T’ai Chi for Healthy Aging and Better Balance, Level II (TCHABB – II)

The T’ai Chi for Healthy Aging and Better Balance level II course (much easier to just refer to it as “Level II”) is a program based in the ideas and philosophies of T’ai Chi that help maintain or improve balance in older adults.

Following is some information on the classes and answers to some questions that I have gotten.

Zoom Courses

This course is very well suited as online video classes. Currently the classes are only being offered as “Zoom” classes. In the future, when possible, I hope to offer these as live classes as well.

Course Schedules

  • Monday / Thursdays at 3:30 PM Start: 3/8/20 End: 4/29/20
    • We will hold class on 4/19 (Patriots’ Day)

The classes will last an hour and there will be lots of breaks in the class and lots of discussion where we will all share our experience of what we have just practiced. And, of course students can always take a rest when they need to.

How Do I Register for the class?

You can register for the class using the link below.

What is the Cost?

The cost of the course this session is $80 for the 16 classes.

How do I Pay?

Please make sure you fill out the registration form linked above.

You can Pay online using the button below.

If you prefer not to pay online, you can send a check payable to Jonathan Woodward to:

Jon Woodward
MetroWest T’ai Chi
PO Box 3164
Framingham, MA 01705

Who Can Take This Class?

Anyone who has completed the initial TCHABB class can join in the Level II class. Those who are interested in taking the Level II class who have not completed the first course, must get permission from the instructor.

So What Is This Course and Why Is It Different?

The Level II class is an extension of the TCHABB course. The Level II course allows us to review concepts and exercises that we covered in the TCHABB course while also delving deeper into those practices and exploring new, more challenging exercises to help improve our balance.

While the TCHABB program is not a T’ai Chi moves based program (meaning the program is not focused on learning and practicing specific T’ai Chi moves), we will be practicing a small selection of T’ai Chi movements as a means to apply some of the balance oriented concepts. However, the focus will remain on how T’ai Chi impacts balance and how those practices can aid our balance.

Zoom Set-Up Required

One other important note. It will be required that you have your video on for the classes. It will be necessary for me to be able to see what you are doing so that we can make corrections and adjustments. It is also important to be able to show yourself head to feet on the video for the same reason.

However, this will not take much space. We don’t need to clear out a big space for this.

What Clothing Should I Wear?

You will generally want to wear comfortable, somewhat loose clothing that allows you to move without restriction.

Most people prefer to wear sneakers or something similar that is comfortable. Ideally the flatter the sole of the shoe the better, but you will eventually discover what is most comfortable for you. You can opt to do the practice barefooted if you prefer, but you may want to have some comfortable sneakers handy in case barefooted does not work for you.