World T’ai Chi and Qigong Day 2024

Weather Forecast

(as of Sunday 7:00 AM)
Cloudy in the low to upper 50’s
with a very small chance of a shower around 10:00 or 11:00
(However, radar shows no rain near us during these hours)

About The Event
The seasons have changed to spring which means that World T’ai Chi and Qigong Day is right around the corner.

We will be holding our World T’ai Chi and Qigong Day celebration on Sunday April 28th this year. (World T’ai Chi day is actually on Saturday, but I have a conflict and have moved our celebration to Sunday.)

This is simply a day promoted to celebrate T’ai Chi. If you want to learn more about the day, visit the web site. For the last several years (with a break for the pandemic), we have been getting together at Cushing memorial park in Framingham to practice some T’ai Chi and get to know one another. We started this tradition up again a couple years ago and are continuing this year.

Anyone is welcome to come join us. I will get there at about 9:00 AM and stay until about 11:00. Feel free to stop by anytime – don’t feel like you need to get there right at the beginning and feel free to leave early if you like.

All are welcome, whether you have taken classes with me or not. If you have taken classes in the past and are looking to get involved with T’ai Chi again, this is a great way to start practicing again. If you have taken classes with someone else and have learned a different style, this will offer you the opportunity to see what our form looks like and to share with us how yours differs.

I am setting up a loose schedule so that people can have the option of coming for the style they most want to participate in. The schedule is as follows:

  • 9:00 – 10:00   Qigong – Movements from Hunyuan Qigong set
  • 10:00 – 10:30  T’ai Chi for Better Balance movements
  • 10:30 – 11:00  Traditional T’ai Chi form (We may go longer than 11:00)

Please note that these are very loose times and the schedule may shift depending on who is there at the time.

If you are unfamiliar with the movements or activities, you can feel free to try following along or just sit and watch – whatever works for you is fine. This is also a great opportunity to meet people from the various classes and just get to know one another. I expect that there will also be a fair amount of socializing going on in between sets of movements and practice.

To find us, simply go to the middle of the park and look around. There is a medium sized white birch tree that is fairly easy to spot right near where we practice. You should be able to see us from there. We usually meet in among some trees (it is a beautiful little spot), across the field from the back of the maintenance building.

The picture below shows where we meet.

Click the picture to enlarge

Here is a map to the park:

One note… When we practice in the park we are practicing on grassy and somewhat uneven ground. If you are unsure of your balance, I would urge you to bring something that you can use to stay stable and safe (such as a chair or a walking stick).

If you have any questions, feel free to call or email me.

Hope to see a bunch of you out there.